6 Easy Ways To Create A Self-Care Space In Your Home

Moms need a place to practice self-care. Find out how to create a self-care space within your home where you can relax, feel peaceful and take care of yourself. You will feel so relaxed at home in your new stress-free area.

How to make your home feel more relaxing

Girl, I see you with your piles of clutter. I see the the pile of purses and jackets dumped on the dining room table. I see the stair piles… you know… you put a pile of stuff at the bottom of the stairs hoping someone takes it up and puts in where it belongs. I see you because that is my reality too.

It’s freaking hard to keep a home tidy and clean especially when we have little kids to take care of, day jobs, a workout to do and an appy to make for a family dinner that we (almost) forgot about.

I don't have a perfectly clean home and I probably never will.

I go through phases where I tidy and clean ALL THE THINGS but then when life gets busy, which it always does, the clutter seems to pile up again.

It’s a vicious cycle.

That’s why I need to have a place in my home that’s for ME. It’s not for my kids. It’s not for dumping my kid’s art from preschool. It’s mine. For me it’s my little office space and I LOVE it. It’s the one place in the house where I can open up my computer and and work in peace. I can light a candle and listen to a meditation podcast or just BE.

Create a self-care space in your home

Depending on what you love to do it doesn’t have to be an office space. You could create a reading nook, or a meditation corner or whatever floats your boat. I use family-friendly decor in my space because inevitably the kids are often around, but family-friendly doesn’t have to mean Star Wars lamps and Elsa trinkets!

I’ll show you how I do it ;)

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Create a self-care space in your home. Moms can relax in their space #selfcare

Creating a self-care space

  1. Get rid of clutter. Choose where your self-care space will be and declutter it. This doesn’t mean you need to clean your entire house, it just means you need to put the things somewhere else. Let them pile up somewhere that isn’t your Mom Space.

  2. Choose your lighting. Natural light is amazing but if you’re like me, a lot of your self-care time will happen before your kids wake up or after they go to bed. Insert cute, minimal lighting. I’m obsessed with my Buckland lamp from J&M Home. It has a minimalist feel which I love and gives me just the right amount of desktop lighting. It would also look so good in my bedroom as a bedside lamp but I’ll keep it in my self-care space for now!

create a self-care space just for you in your home. Relax and take time for yourself in your self-care space

I happen to have a coupon code for J&M Home for 15% off which is OUI15 … You know I love a good deal!

3. Light a candle. There’s something about lighting a candle that makes me feel so zen. I’m a huge fan of wood wick candles because they crackle like a tiny fire. Choose a scent you love and it feels so peaceful.

Use lighting and natural elements to create a self-care space in your home

4. Get greenery. I don’t know why but plants make a space look more peaceful and relaxing. Some indoor plants that are non-toxic and safe around kids, cats and dogs are African Violets, Spider Plants, Trailing Jade and Christmas Cactus.

5. Essential oils. I NEVER thought I’d get into essential oils. I refused to “buy in” when I went to friend’s places who loved oils. I still don’t use them for medicinal purposes at all but I have fallen in love with using oils as aromatherapy. I use a relaxation blend when I want to chill and a minty/citrusy blend when I need a boost of motivation.

6. Quotes. Spend some time perusing the internet and find a quote that resonates with you. Get creative and type it out all cute and print it; you can do this super quickly on Canva. You could also put your quote on a letter board or frame it.

create a self-care space in your home

Get started ASAP by choosing which space in your home will be best for your self-care nook. Where will you choose? Let me know in the comments and take a pic and share it when you’re done and tag @ouimadamewee on IG. I’d love to see it!


This post is sponsored by J&M Home. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Follow me on Instagram @ouimadamewee