Quick Nutella Chocolate Mousse Recipe

How to make a quick and easy Nutella dessert for your family. This Nutella mousse is light, not too sweet and only uses 4 ingredients. You can make this chocolate hazelnut dessert using ingredients you already have at home and let your kids help in the kitchen

Yummy Nutella Chocolate Mousse

I will pretty much give any Nutella recipe a go. I love Nutella pancakes, cookies, milkshakes and am also not opposed to taking a scoop straight from the jar and eating it on a spoon. Pure deliciousness.

My hubby on the other hand does not like desserts that are overly sweet. I’ve never once seen him take a scoop from the jar (which leaves more for me heheh). My kids definitely take after me. I don’t know how this started but my 4 year old seems to think that every time we put her sister down for her nap she will get a spoonful of Nutella. Actually if I’m being honest I probably started this ritual lol #noregrets.

We had a jar of the chocolate-hazelnut goodness in the cupboard for a while and the hubby started playing around with ingredients one day. He likes to make treats with our kids sometimes and surprise me. It’s the best. Nothing makes my heart feel fuller than chocolate and my family.

Because let’s be real … sometimes having some dessert does wonders for the mental health!

He whipped up this amazing Nutella mousse and it has since become one of our go-to desserts. I highly recommend you give it a try. Your tastebuds will not be disappointed! It goes really well with this DIY vanilla latte ;)

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Easy Quick nutella mousse recipe #nutella #nutellarecipe #nutellamousse

How to make Nutella chocolate mousse

All you need to make this mousse is some heavy cream, Nutella, vanilla extract and a pinch of sea salt. We like to add a pinch of cinnamon as well but that is optional. You’ll also want to use an electric mixer. We use this KitchenAid mixer when we are mixing by hand and it does the job well. You can also use a stand mixer if you want it to mix hands-free.

What I really like about this chocolate mousse is that the kids can help with it. I’ve talked to a lot of moms about baking with kids and I was (sort of) surprised that so many moms find it painful to bake with kids. We know that as adults we could get the baking or cooking done so quickly and have the cookies baked or the cupcakes iced SO MUCH FASTER on our own… but the fact is that kids love to help cook.

Kids cooking is also so good for them because baking and measuring is math! Plus this kind of math is a lot more fun and a lot more tasty than worksheets.

There are only 5 ingredients in this Nutella mousse so even if you decide to let your little ones help, you won’t need to spend forever in the kitchen. You’ll prep this dessert and be eating it in an hour.

Quick Easy nutella mousse recipe; nutella chocolate mousse

Actually, When it comes down to the nitty-gritty, all you really need to make Nutella mousse is the Nutella and heavy cream… but adding some vanilla, a pinch of salt and a pinch of cinnamon just add an extra something. We added cut up strawberries to ours and made it into a sort of trifle. The kids asked for it for breakfast the second day and I did not deny them the pleasure. Wow, when did I become such a cool mom?

Make sure you add the ingredients for this mousse in your weekly meal plan. You can find out how I use Trello to make meal planning super simple.

What you need to do first is heat up the Nutella. It needs to be a bit runny. Then you’ll mix the cream with your electric mixer. When it’s ready the cream should look textured.

Quick easy nutella mousse recipe; nutella chocolate mousse recipe

Then mix the softened Nutella and the heavy cream together for a couple minutes. Don’t forget to like the spoon or spatula! It’s the best part.

Quick easy nutella mousse recipe; nutella chocolate mousse recipe

Then separate the mousse into small cups or jars. I like like the look of mason jars. We layered our mousse with strawberries on the bottom and whipped cream on top, but it’s good on it’s own as well. We used canned whipped cream but if you are feeling fancy you can make homemade whipped cream for the top.

Quick easy nutella mousse recipe; nutella chocolate mousse recipe


2 cups heavy cream

3/4 cup Nutella

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 pinch of sea salt

1 pinch of cinnamon (optional)


  1. Heat the Nutella in the microwave for about 30 seconds to soften it. It will mix better if it’s soft. Let it cool for 3-5 minutes.

  2. Use your trusty hand mixer and mix the heavy cream. Mix it like crazy until it looks like a thick whipped cream, for about 5 minutes.

  3. Add in the Nutella, vanilla extract, salt and pinch of cinnamon. Whisk this delicious mixture for 1-2 minutes until it looks creamy.

  4. Separate the mixture into individual cups or bowls and refrigerate for at least an hour.

The mousse will keep in the fridge for about 5 days.

Hot tip: When you take the mousse out of the fridge to eat, be sure to refrigerate any mousse that will not be eaten right away. My 2 year old learned that the hard way when she took a break from her mousse to watch some Peppa Pig. When she returned to her dessert, much to her chagrin, the mousse had turned into a chocolate soup.

Besides, I doubt you’ll be able to resist eating it all in one sitting. It’s so yummy!

Let me know in the comments if you try this recipe!


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